with Rhonda Weisberg
Sunday, October 8, 1-3pm
Herb Shop * Healing Center
Who are these mysterious, yet lovable creatures with whom we share our lives? How can we help them feel loved and contented?
We know that the animals we choose or those that show up in our lives are very special and we are curious about how they think,
what they think about, what they feel, and if they are happy.
In this workshop you will learn and explore:
* Why you and your pet chose each other
* Why our pets incarnate on Earth
* What you and your pets are learning from each other
* Why some people love dogs more than cats and vice versa
* What may be causing unwanted behavior
* How to better connect with your pet(s)
ALSO! At least 4 pet readings will be given-more if time permits! So bring a picture of your pet (phone pics are fine) and one question
you would like answered.
$25 call ahead; $30 at door
Call the Shop to register: 770-704-9950
About Rhonda:
Rhonda Weisberg is an intuitive reader and artist. She has been doing readings in the Atlanta area for over 20 years and particularly
enjoys working with animals. Rhonda also writes articles on a wide variety of topics from information she receives intuitively.
Her website is: www.rhondaweisberg.com