Kady Morgan is here at the Shop for appts until mid-August!
As a Pampamesayoq or ‘Earth-Keeper’ initiated into the Peruvian shamanic wisdom of the Q’ero tribe, Kady intuitively blends this ancient, shamanic lineage with the magic of her Celtic ancestral heritage. Using remembered techniques from multiple lifetimes and many cultures she is honored to re-align all who call upon her services with unconditional love and complete non-judgement.
Her gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience provide her the ability to ‘walk between the worlds’ accessing insight into the root of a physical, energetic or emotional imbalance. Blending intuitive, channeled guidance on behalf of the ascended realm with the archetypes that mythology provides allows for a unique opportunity to unveil the unconscious ‘stories’, patterns, and trauma that are keeping you stuck.
It is our birth-rite to THRIVE! You deserve the life you dream about!
Kady offers appointments at the Herb Shop weekly:
every Monday 10am – 4pm
every Friday 10am- 6pm
every Saturday 3pm – 7pm
Call the Shop to set your appt with Kady 770-704-9950