Efrain Brady is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist who seeks to bring people who are experiencing imbalances back to balance in a natural way, in order to do that, he uses different tools that this ancient Tradition has been teaching for thousands of years.
He has been working for over 18 years in the field of Personal Development, Spiritual Awareness, and Healing Energy.
He is also a Certified Tai Chi and Qi Gong Instructor with over 15 years of teaching experience (theory and practice) in disciplines that improve body functions, enhance mental health and lead to inner awakening.
In 2016 he moved to the USA from Venezuela. As continuations of his Life Mission, he is now offering his services in our Healing Center.
Here are some of Efrain Brady’s Credentials/Gifts of Healing:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor 2007- 2010 at Neijing School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Fundación Escuela NeiJing de Medicina Tradicional China) Barquisimeto. Edo. Lara. Venezuela.
- Neijing School of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2002 – 2005 (Fundación Escuela Neijing de Medicina Tradicional China)
www.escuelaneijing.org Acupunture, Moxibustión, Tui Na, Qi Gong for Health and Spiritual Qi Gong Barquisimeto, Venezuela
* Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist. - Venezuelan Gestalt Institute 1992 – 1994 (Instituto Venezolano de Gestalt) Caracas, Venezuela *Gestalt Therapy. Basic, Medium and Advance Levels
- Workshop Facilitator in the following areas: Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007-Present Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Gong, Emotion and Stress management, Meditation
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist 2005 – July 2016 (Acupuncture Moxibustion / Qi Gong for Health / TuiNa.) Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Efrain will be seeing Clients here at the Herb Shop * Healing Center by appointment. After a personal consultation, he and the Client will agree upon which methods will be used of the Healing Arts that he offers.
Just call the Shop to set your time with him.
Cost: $85 for the hour
All Efrain’s Workshops are oriented to:
- Prevent Energetic unbalance.
- Strengthen our immune system.
- Increase our vitality
- Manage high levels of stress
- Channel emotions
- Harmonize our body
- Preserve health
- Increase awareness.