Channel, Medium, tarot reader, Intuitive Life Coach

Hekate (“Kate”) is absolutely jazzed to offer her gifts and skills as a psychic medium, tarot reader, and intuitive life coach. Using the tools of tarot, aura reading, past life viewing, and mediumship she provides guidance, clarity and connection with the truest self, with passed loved ones, and with spirit guides. Hekate has been an intuitive reader for as long as she can remember, an inherited, but much hushed gift. She felt called to serve as an intuitive guide more intentionally in 2017, (when her gifts reawakened with the volume set to 11, that’s been fun.) and has been gaining the guidance, and the tools needed to be a more efficient and compassionate guide ever since. Truth be told she feels like a toddler with a light saber half the time and is having an absolute blast learning how to wield it.
Cost: $85/ hour session
Just call the Shop to set your appt. with Katie, 770-704-9950